Birthday Girl in a Birthday Blur

As the rest of the world collapsed in its nerveless tax-day heap, Our Favorite Blogger Jess turned 30 and celebrated in the distinctly non-taxy Grassroots Tavern — Home, we are told, of the Hot Bouncer. Jess is handling the new decade well: she only agonizes on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. The pictures are a bit late, but here are some of them.
For my part, I went the Kobayashi Maru way to turning 30, by which I mean that when the birthday came knocking I was not at home to receive it. I rolled over into the new decade midway through a rafting trip on the Sun Kosi (River of Gold) in Nepal, and the trappings of the occasional digit were far enough away to seem irrelevant. It was long ago, in a galaxy far away.
April 26th, 2005 at 12:45
Great pics! I especially like the one of Jake.
April 26th, 2005 at 18:38
The really funny thing is that I have about three pictures of Jake, and he’s doing that or something very much like that in all of them.
I like how you’re smiling: it’s that good-party look. You know, “It’s my party, and I’ll laugh if I want to.”
May 10th, 2005 at 11:49
Happy Birthday, by the way…
May 11th, 2005 at 10:44
Lord, I’m pretty.
May 11th, 2005 at 13:04
I know you’re probably ok, but I just HAVE to at least leave a worried look in the comments.
May 11th, 2005 at 13:13
Thanks, Harvey. I wish I could report that I’ve been kidnapped by a wicked burlesque dancer who won’t let me out of her room, but actually it’s just been a sucking combination of:
(a) really busy at the office;
(b) oops discovered Flickr;
(c) oops discovered Photoshop, which has much to do with (b);
(d) running around having fun and then having no time to write about it.
I’ll be back. - The Linusator
And Jake: we knew that, we just weren’t going to say it out loud. Molto congratulations on the developing developments your side - a little Jakelet shall be a grand event. I’m looking forward to reading the process.